The Physics Objects

After version 2.5 Clickteam Fusion 2.5 comes with a full implementation of the well-known Box2D engine. This implementation includes movements (described in the objects common properties page), and objects. This section of the documentation describes the objects available to help you create your physics-based game. Physics Engine Object Fan Object Magnet Object Treadmill Object Particles […]

The Physics – Rope and Chain Object

The Physics – Rope and Chain object creates a realistic rope in the physical world. The Properties Angle This property contains the initial angle of the rope. The rope will react to the gravity when the frame runs. Number of elements This property contains the number of elements that the rope is made from. This […]

The Physics – Particles Object

The Physics – Particles object is a particle generator. It creates myriads of particles in the physical world, with various speed and directions. It is very flexible and can be used to your heart’s desire. The Properties Emission This property allows you to define where the particles will be created. From a point The particles […]

The Physics – Treadmill Object

The Physics – Treadmill object moves the objects that enter its area of influence, at a steady and constant pace in the chosen direction. This object is perfect to create treadmill or elevators in a platform game. The Properties Angle This property contains the direction of the treadmill. If you choose more than one direction […]

The Physics – Magnet Object

The Physics – Magnet object works like a magnet in your physical world : it attracts the objects that enter its influence area. The attraction grows as the objects get closer to the magnet. The Properties Angle This property contains the directions where the magnet will have an effect on the objects around it. You […]

The Physics – Fan Object

The Physics – Fan object works like a fan in your physical world : it creates a stream of air. Any object that penetrates this stream will support a force in the direction of the stream. The result is that the object will slowly accelerate in the direction of the air. The direction and strength […]

The Physics – Physics Engine Object

The Physics – Engine object is the driving force behind your physics-based applications. It contains the code necessary to make the objects to move in a physical-oriented way. This object must be present in the frame if you use one of the physics-driven movements. This object also contains a number of actions to control and […]