Clickteam Fusion 2.5 – HTML5 Runtime Distribution Agreement
This agreement replaces the standard Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Runtime Distribution Agreement in the case of HTML5 applications. In order to distribute your HTML5 application, your must agree to the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 – HTML5 Runtime Distribution agreement. Some parts of this agreement depend on the version of Clickteam Fusion 2.5 you use, Standard or Developer. […]
Differences between HTML5 and Windows applications
The HTML5 file exporter tries to make your HTML5 application work as close as possible as your Windows (stand-alone) application that you can see in action when you run it with the “Run Application” or “Run Frame” commands, but there are some differences between HTML5 and EXE applications. These differences are usually minor, but they […]
HTML5 – Inserting a preloader
The HTML5 runtime allows you to insert a preloader in your application. Preloaders are displayed when the images and sounds are loaded from the Internet. If you check the “Include preloader” checkbox, a default preloader is created. (Developer version only) You can choose the kind of preloader you want to use in your application with […]
HTML5 specific properties
HTML5 applications have a number of specific properties, allowing you to tweak the way they work. Application properties Generate HTML file If checked, Clickteam Fusion 2.5 will save an html file (named after the name of your application) in the destination folder, so that you can load and launch your application. This html file is […]
Various considerations about HTML5 project
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 This page contains different chunks of information about the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 HTML5 exporter. Mouse-driven movement The mouse movement in HTML5 games is different from the normal mouse movement. The object is positionned just under the hidden mouse pointer. This implies that the mouse pointer must be above the play area for […]
Building your application as HTML5 project
How to build an HTML5 project You are working on your application You should choose the “HTML5 Development” build type. This option will create a folder with your application and all the code to make it work. It includes all the available extensions at the time of build : you will be able to work […]
HTML5 Applications and Games
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 allows you to build your application as a HTML5 project that can be directly uploaded to a web server. An HTML5 application will work on modern web browsers, without any modification. This is the perfect modern way to distribute your game or application. Advantages of HTML5 applications The same file will work […]